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We all know the golden rule: don’t study the night before a big test. But let’s be honest – it’s hard to completely shut off that urge to review, especially when it comes to the NPTE. Here’s a strategy that worked for me and might work for you too.
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We all know the golden rule: don’t study the night before a big test. But let’s be honest – it’s hard to completely shut off that urge to review, especially when it comes to the NPTE. Here’s a strategy that worked for me and might work for you too.
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I won’t hit you with the usual “it depends” response—we all know it depends! You’re here for a clear answer, so let’s break it down and get you the guidance you need to decide how long you should take to study for the NPTE.
stressed woman looking at laptop

Receiving a “Score Withheld” result after taking the NPTE can be nerve-wracking. However, it’s important to understand that this doesn’t necessarily mean something negative. It could be a good thing!

woman sitting in front of macbook

So, you’ve graduated from your DPT program. Now what? With high debt in mind, do you start to work before taking the NPTE? 3 TIPS from a PT.

Physical therapy and navigating the NPTE.

The NPTE can be a challenging obstacle to tackle. Learn how to navigate the barriers with some simple tips from Dr. Strong. 

old couple walking while holding hands

Gait belts are controversial amongst physical therapists, but what does the research say? Are there conclusive answers that should sway your decision? How will you decide if it’s right for a patient? Find out more!

doctor examines woman s back

As a physical therapist, you can help patients at the workplace, but having them continue the prescribed exercises at home is another story. Learn how to decide if it’s best to discharge your patient.

crop ethnic psychologist writing on clipboard during session

If being in a doctoral program wasn’t enough, throwing in some clinical work, studying for the NPTE, and attempting to stay sane is. Physical therapy students, get the latest tips!

physiotherapist in examination room

The healthcare system has a vast number of career options. If you’re interested in human mechanics, making personable connections, and helping others, physical therapy might be the right career field for you! 

doctor in blue scrubs throwing notes in the air sitting on the walkway in front of the hospital among books

Prepare yourself with these non-negotiable steps before taking the National Physical Therapy Examination. You’ll be glad that you did!